Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Drive-By Post #2

Busy day today. Two interviews scheduled for ads. Early one got rescheduled for later. Late one got scheduled for earlier. My day got a little squished as a result. Oh, and did I mention --raging, eyeball popping headache? Not quite enough time to do everything I had planned, and there's not much here for lunch. First instinct was to drive up to the burger place and grab something. But I'm trying to watch expenses and that didn't seem like the best use of my time, or calories. So, I just made do with what was here--chopped up a big plate full of romaine, a little chicken lunch meat, a drizzle of Caesar dressing, a handful of croutons, and I was good to go. Delicious and it's actually making my headache feel a little better, too. Will finish with a small Fuji apple and a piece of string cheese when I'm done typing. Day derailed? No problem! Keeping good ingredients on hand and using just a little creativity helped me stay on track. What's next?

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