I was born and raised in San Jose, CA. Athletics played a big part in my childhood and teen years. I did track, gymnastics, and later taught low impact and aqua aerobics. But some of my fondest memories are from my afternoons spent with my buddies, playing football, soccer, baseball, basketball, and whatever else sounded like fun. We went out as soon as our homework was done, played until dinner time, and then begged to go back out until it was time for bed. My community, the Almaden Valley, was filled with young athletes eager go out and play hard. One of those young athletes was Pat Tillman. I'm sure you know his story, and I don't want to go into politics here. The purpose of this post is to let you know that there are two events held in his honor that take place each spring. Pat's Run is held in both Tempe, AZ, where Pat played football for ASU, and our hometown of San Jose, CA. Each event includes a 4.2 mile run for adults, as well as a .42 mile kids' run. This is a great family friendly event where everyone is a winner, and it honors his memory and the principles he lived and died for, so if you are in either area and want to try something that is sure to inspire you and your family, be sure to check it out. Look in the links section to learn more.If April's a little too soon, there is also the Team Tillman Napa-Sonoma Half Marathon Challenge on July 19.
A friend asked me to join her in the 100 Pushup Challenge. At first, I thought she was nuts. I've never had much upper body strength. As a former track athlete, I always trained my legs and forgot about the rest. That's fine when you're in high school and you take your athletic frame for granted. But after a couple pregnancies, some broken bones/injuries, a few surgeries, and a whole lot of life, you look at things a little differently. Now that I'm in my 40s, make that my very early 40s, I realize that it's important to work your entire body or you won't see results. And to be totally honest, the thought of being able to say I could do 100 pushups really spoke to my pride. The 100 Pushup Challenge is a 6-week plan and it's conveniently broken down into 3 simple workouts each week. All you're doing is pushups. Simple as that. You start with an assessment. How many good form pushups can you do before you reach exhaustion? And none of this "girl" stuff with the bent knees. It's both feet on the floor and press it out. I could only do 10. I was a little disappointed, but I realized that many women my age, and many women even younger than me, can barely do 1 standard pushup, so that's not a bad start. Never mind that my husband popped out 30 in a row like a hydraulic lift and I wanted to hit him in the back of the head with my shoe. Everyone has to start somewhere. By the end of the second week, I could crank out a set of 15 pushups like it was no big deal. I'm still working on it and I'll update you on my progress soon. Check out the link over in the Links section and see if you can do it. It's something the entire family can do and it's a fun, friendly way to get everyone working toward a common goal.
I don't know about you, but where I live, temperatures are finally beginning to climb and all I want to do is head outside. After months of hibernating on my couch, it feels great to finally get out and get moving. Seize the opportunity to go for a family bike ride, or just take a walk through your neighborhood to see whose crocuses are sprouting up. Got a few errands to do? Why not walk or ride your bike to the market, post office or library? Or how about riding a skateboard or roller blading? This is the perfect time to do it! Or just grab a ball and go out and play catch, start up a baseball game, see if you can kick a soccer ball past your kids and make a goal. Possibilities are endless and you will feel refreshed and renewed in no time. Goodbye, harsh winter! Let's hear it for SPRING!!!